Investment Portfolio
Based on its own characteristics and investment philosophy, ASIA AURORA INVESTMENT CO., LIMITED closely follows the research and practice of the academic circles and the industry, extensively draws on the experience of international excellent investment institutions, and gradually forms a general portfolio that matches the actual situation of the institution and has clear rights and responsibilities. Configuration management architecture.
The Company adopts a "Reference Portfolio - Policy Portfolio - Actual Portfolio" structure to manage the allocation of the total portfolio. The total portfolio investment return is determined by a combination of reference portfolio selection, policy portfolio construction and actual portfolio management.
Reference Portfolio
Policy Portfolio
Actual Portfolio
- Anchor Total Portfolio Neutral Risk Level
- Consists of the Global Equity Index and the Global Debt Index
- Introduce other assets to build a medium- and long-term neutral policy portfolio to improve the level of returns and the effect of risk diversification
- Carry out internal allocation of assets and optimization of investment layout through dimensions such as regions, industries, sectors, themes, and risk attributes
- Further optimize the income and risk characteristics through dynamic allocation adjustments to reflect the effect of asset allocation
- Ensure the effective implementation of policy portfolios through overall portfolio exposure management
- Gain excess returns through active management of the investment team