Investment decision
ASIA AURORA INVESTMENT CO., LIMITED has established a scientific, rigorous and effective investment decision-making system for overseas investment and management business. The investment decision-making subjects at all levels have an orderly division of labor and organic connection. Investment decision-making activities take into account the requirements of efficiency and compliance , which laid the foundation for scientific, standardized and effective investment.
Currently, ASIA AURORA INVESTMENT CO., LIMITED has an asset allocation and investment policy committee, an open market investment decision-making committee, a non-public market investment decision-making committee, and an asset allocation dynamic adjustment committee. The above-mentioned committees execute investment decisions at different levels and categories.
ASIA AURORA INVESTMENT CO., LIMITED has formulated an investment decision-making system and an investment decision-making authorization optimization plan, and has unified and optimized decision-making systems, processes and templates to ensure an orderly and organic division of labor among investment entities at all levels and to further improve the effectiveness of investment decision-making. The various investment activities are implemented smoothly under the new investment decision-making system.
At the same time, in order to improve the quality of investment decision-making, the company has established an investment decision-making full-time committee mechanism to participate in the entire process of project investment decision-making, issue independent review opinions on investment projects, and provide professional support for investment decision-making.